Software Engineering Intern | Uber

Uber Logo

Software Engineering Intern on the Risk team.

Links: Uber Engineering Blog

Software Engineering Intern | Capital One

Mayo Clinic Logo

Improved hyperparameter tuning workflows for named-entity recognition by building a model generating tool in Keras that creates CNN, LSTM, Bi-LSTM models.

Optimized data storage and improved server-side performance of a document annotation application by re-designing the Postgres database schema and re-factoring the Flask backend.

Links: Capital One Illinois Digital Campus Lab Info Page

Enterprise Technology Intern | StateFarm

CS125 Logo

Developed an ASP.NET web application to serve as a management and registration platform for internal events.

Designed the application’s database on SQL Server and created an analytics dashboard that visualizes trends in attendance and hours serviced with D3.js.

Links: StateFarm RDC Website

Product Development Intern | Codifyd

CS125 Logo

Collaborated with data analysts to build taxonomies and schemas from complex product data.

Built prototypes of REST web services in Java with RESTful and Jersey architectures for cloud-based software.

Links: Company Website